Leadership Skills For Your Life and Career

I ask for your indulgence this week.  We have re-opened the doors to the Leadership Accelerator Program – our online leadership training program. Consequently, I wrote an article to share with you and those who may not follow LIVING LEADERSHIP every week to help explain why I believe you should strongly consider signing up for the LAP (Leadership Accelerator Program) today.

So, if I don’t sound quite as personal as usual, it’s because I am promoting a topic about which I care deeply. We need new and emerging leaders to deal with changing dynamics in our workplaces and address the challenges facing the 21st century.

As we discuss weekly in this series, effective leadership brings personal clarity, takes daily action, and finds the best way to do that while helping others as you go.

[If you think your HR department might be interested, or you have people on your teams and or friends or colleagues that you feel might receive help from the material, can I ask you to send this along?  (Bulk Pricing Available)]


Accelerate Your Career – Learn to Lead

Our Leadership Accelerator Program helps you climb, run, or jump into the next level of your career.  Our students learn success secrets that transform their daily habits and action plans into a strategic skill-set regimen that opens doors to better things, sometimes without trying.  Upper management looks for and seeks out employees who can perform their duties consistently while learning new skills and helping others excel in what they do. In addition, they want leaders who galvanize people around ideas, projects, goals, and desired outcomes.

Leadership (although thousands tackle the task) is challenging to define.  In essence, leadership is influence, or the ability to move others towards an attitude and/or action.  But the nuance of leadership is slippery, elusive, and hard to carve into stone.  It becomes what is necessary at that moment.

Don’t Look for Leaders in Suits

Our instructors (including myself) have seen leadership develop in every personality type, gender, race, economic status, body type, and education level.  Although the North American idea of leadership leans towards success stories in suits, many of our best leaders are never interviewed by magazines.

These unsung heroes are the first to hit the streets after a snowstorm, making it easier for their neighbors to navigate. They pick up on the sense of grief after the death of a colleague and somehow help the team to feel and express sorrow while moving towards needed productivity.  Leaders read the need of the situation and help others see how we could meet the requirement by working together.

Over the years, while researching for books, guides, or a new course curriculum, people share stories with me of their most significant leaders. They may be the teacher in grade 2, the shop owner who gave them their first paycheck, or the kid on the basketball team who helped them see themselves differently and become a better player.  With each story, I see footprints of influence; leaders doing their job.

Employers need these people.

The Leadership Accelerator Program helps those who want to develop their leadership ability to build new habits, make decisions, and create a personal pathway to their career advancement.  I want to share with you six reasons why I think you should strongly consider the online course for yourself, as a gift, or as an employer supplying leadership training for your up-and-coming supervisors, managers, team leads, directors, and executives.

1. Leading and Managing Constant Change

While experts can’t seem to agree on the rate of accelerating change, we can all agree that the world is transforming before our eyes – and some would say at a staggering rate. Technology, environmental, social issues, economic drivers, the global population, and the interdependent necessities of regions and groups all give rise to a world that seems to be shaking from the speed of change – or at least the need for adaptations.

LAP: We help students develop skills to deal with difficult people, stabilize morale, and improve performance.  Most people thrown into leadership roles lack the proper training to empower others. These folks may be good at performing skills, but people skills and group dynamics are a new challenge altogether.

2. Communicating Without Offence

It’s tough right now to share ideas or express opinions without offending.  Many potential leadership candidates shy away from the concept of advancement due to the risky waters.

LAP: We help students discover the hot buttons in themselves. They find ways to unplug from the emotional traps hiding in the issues. Teams lose sight of the “objectives”– by getting lost in “objections.”  Our emerging leaders know and understand themselves better in order to help others on the team see through the fog and focus on the task. We can respect our passions and convictions while practicing respect and tolerance of others.

3. Problem-Solving Skills

We need leaders who can solve problems! So much time and money get lost “circling problems.”

 LAP: The Leadership Accelerator Program helps students think differently about problems.  We begin with how they see themselves in relation to problems, how to collaborate with people who have the knowledge to help solve them quickly, and finally, how to motivate and empower the team they lead to tackle the problem like a puzzle – each piece has its place, and together we can find the right fit.

4. Habits

Our daily habits, usually the “mini things” we do or do not do, determine our significant outcomes. So while it’s easy to focus on the PROMOTIONS, LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS, or HONORS RECOGNITION WITH A BIG BONUS – those pivotal moments are nothing but a marker in time reflecting thousands of little unseen moments.

LAP: Throughout the course, we emphasize the importance of, and how to, practice the 1% rule.  By tasking and holding ourselves accountable to small, bite-sized steps that are hardly noticeable in the day but culminate in many miles by the end of the year, we can transform ourselves, our skills, and our departments into the new and improved!

5. Strategy

Leaders work with the big picture in mind while performing and empowering a multitude of daily tasks. Without this overall view, we cannot be strategic with resources resulting in “less profit and more loss”.

LAP: Our students learn what makes a manager effective on the team.  We study the difference between managing and leading and what the duties of each would be.  We look at best practices and examine the seminal advice of thought leaders from current literature and throughout history.

6. Respect

Leaders in 2022 must embody proficiency in respectful behaviors and communication styles. Respect is critical to our workplace and our place in society.

LAP: At Fiore Group Training, we take this issue as one of the most pressing and consequential of our day.  Our organization’s mission is to create healthier and happier workplaces.  In today’s world, that is about respect. Therefore, words like diversity, inclusion, and respect are the foundational concepts and language we teach in online courses and in-house training programs.

No Sugarcoating

In times of massive change lie an equal opportunity for those who know how to capitalize on it.

I don’t want to sugarcoat it.  We need new leaders.  We need to train people who can tackle unique challenges with creative, confident, and respectful leadership.

Record Number of Career Changes in 2020-2021

A record number of people in North America are quitting their jobs, changing careers, and/or looking for a complimentary way to live their lives, build financial stability, contribute to a better world, and find personal happiness in the process.

The Leadership Accelerator Program is not about the dollars of success. Instead, you will learn how to create success for yourself and your employer by implementing skills, strategies, and habits that empower you to be your best, happiest, and, thus your most productive self.  Leaders do that as individuals and then help others do the same.

Let us help you.  Register today for the Leadership Accelerator Program!