Does Your Team See You as a Helpful Leader?

Do you see yourself as a helpful leader? Have you had times in your life when you were surprised to learn that others perceived you differently than you saw yourself? Your intentions may be right, your dedication admirable, and yet the outcomes proved less than desirable (or perhaps adequate).

Sometimes we fail to see that being truly helpful means knowing what and how to provide what is needed from us.

It’s one thing to offer help, but it is quite another to give that help in a way that matters and is helpful. Thinking that we are useful does not always mean that we are helping.

The opposite might be true.



Leaders can be especially prone to a false or misguided understanding of their helpfulness.

You may focus too much of your attention on the company’s big picture.  And, you may be investing a woefully inadequate amount of time on the day-to-day workings and implementation. By not spending enough time on the smaller, detail-heavy processes with their team (where 90% of the work gets done), leaders can quickly become unhelpful obstacles.

Undeniably, a great leader is a giver.

They are focused on providing their team with what is needed, not just in a general sense, but in specific and practical ways. Helpful leaders are generous with their time and willing to share their insights and ideas.

More importantly, they are equally respectful of the insights and ideas of whom they lead, as well as their time.

A constructive leader is one who facilitates a team’s ability to achieve its objectives, not just on a grand scale but on a practical day-to-day basis.

How Can You Become a Helpful Leader?

A big part of this process is to remove yourself from the equation – almost. In other words, it is all about serving your organization and the team.

Allow the team you lead to define the terms on how you can best help them.


Step aside from yourself and let those whom you are offering to help tell you exactly how you can do so.

You may be surprised to learn that you were not nearly as helpful as a leader, as you initially thought!


Take the time to show your team why a strategy exists. Explain how the overall process and the individual’s role is an integral part of its execution. Show that your organization’s objectives exist for a reason and that they are always attainable. If you find that they are unrealistic, then you need to recalibrate.

Be the inspiration you want to see in your team.

  • A helpful leader will always see the value in inspiring and motivating their team to be the best that they can be.
  • If you are not a good communicator, seek assistance from professional coaches who can make you more effective in how you listen and what you say.
  • Concern yourself with the professional and personal well-being of your team members. You will be checking in regularly, facilitating opportunities for professional development, and making yourself available to help.

A desire to help is not enough! If there is anything you can do, then offer to do it.

Be More Than A Boss – Be A Guide

You can have a profound impact on overall productivity and morale by showing yourself as being more than the person to whom they report. Show that you are on their side!

  • Work with your team to seek out obstacles and those pesky things that hinder productivity.
  • Maintain an ongoing open dialogue where people feel encouraged to make their views known. A culture where people feel safe to speak up and openly express their opinions and ideas  (including disagreeing with their leader’s views)  is an essential aspect of any organization’s collaborative strengths.
  • The introduction of new and exciting ideas can be great for an organization, but it can also place a significant burden on a team struggling to manage its current workload.
  • Be prepared to help in fundamental, concrete ways when you introduce additional work that you thought up on during your two-week vacation!

Help your team achieve its goals. If this becomes a core aspect of what you do, you help your organization achieve its objectives. Everyone enjoys a successful bottom line!

Not only that, but a helpful leader can be an inspiring role model and a source of positive influence on an entire company.