How To Maximize Efficiency in a Team with the BALM Method

Have you worked on a team and experienced a total mismatch regarding group effectiveness?  Of course, a lack of effectiveness means a lack of efficiency. This disconnect between people can also lead to interpersonal problems within the team.

Effective task allocation is a crucial aspect of successful teamwork within any organization. 

Distributing tasks optimally utilizes each team member’s skills and expertise, improving productivity and overall job satisfaction. 

I have often used the BALM method in my career – a simple and strategic approach to allocating tasks based on the individual’s skill set, workload, and preferences.

BALM Method Overview

The BALM method, short for Balance, Availability, Load, and Match, is a comprehensive approach to ensure fair and efficient task distribution within a workgroup. 

Let me show you how it works.   


Balance is the foundational principle of the BALM method. It involves distributing tasks in a way that ensures an equitable distribution of workload among team members. You will consider each individual’s strengths, weaknesses, and expertise to create a well-rounded team. By achieving balance, teams can tap into the collective skills of their members, fostering a collaborative and supportive work environment.

For example, if one team member excels in data analysis while another is a creative thinker, balancing tasks to leverage both strengths can lead to more innovative and well-informed decisions.


Knowing the availability of each team member is essential for effective task allocation. The availability component of BALM considers factors such as deadlines, ongoing projects, and personal commitments. By understanding when team members are at their peak productivity, tasks can be assigned at times that align with individual schedules, optimizing output and minimizing stress.

Utilizing collaboration tools and project management software can significantly assist in tracking availability and assigning tasks when team members are most productive.


The load aspect of BALM involves assessing the existing workload of each team member. It’s crucial to avoid overburdening individuals with more tasks than they can handle. By distributing tasks based on the current workload of each team member, the BALM method prevents burnout. Likewise, you ensure that everyone can contribute effectively without feeling overwhelmed.

Regular check-ins and open communication play a pivotal role in monitoring workload and making necessary adjustments to maintain a balanced distribution of tasks.


Matching tasks to individual skills and preferences is the final piece of the BALM method. 

We aim to understand each team member’s unique strengths and interests and assign tasks that align with their expertise. When individuals are engaged in tasks they enjoy and excel at, they are more likely to produce high-quality work and contribute positively to the team’s success.

Encouraging team members to communicate their preferences results in a more motivated and satisfied workforce.  You can then provide opportunities for skill development that can enhance the matching process,

Implementing BALM in Your Workgroup

To implement the BALM method effectively in your workgroup, consider the following steps:

  • Conduct a Skills Assessment: Understand the strengths and weaknesses of each team member. Identify areas where they can contribute most effectively.
  • Utilize Collaboration Tools: Invest in project management and collaboration tools that allow you to track availability, workload, and preferences seamlessly.
  • Foster Open Communication: Encourage transparent communication within the team to ensure everyone feels comfortable expressing their preferences and workload concerns.
  • Regularly Evaluate and Adjust: Periodically review task allocation to ensure that it aligns with the changing dynamics of the team, individual skill development, and project requirements.

A Systematic Approach

The BALM method offers a comprehensive and systematic approach to allocating tasks in a workgroup. 

By prioritizing balance, availability, load, and match, teams can create an environment that maximizes each member’s contributions, improving efficiency, job satisfaction, and overall success. 

Implementing the BALM method requires a commitment to open communication, regular assessment, and a genuine understanding of each team member’s unique strengths and preferences. 

As organizations prioritize teamwork and collaboration, the BALM method is a valuable tool to foster a positive work culture.

I have found a significant benefit with our team and recommend trying it.

What to Read

  • Best Team Ever: The Surprising Science of High-Performing Teams by David Burkus.
  • The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else In Business by Patrick Lencioni
  • Stick Together: A Simple Lesson to Build a Stronger Team by Jon Gordon & Kate Leavell.

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