Cohesive Teams

You and I have been on lots of teams in our careers. How many would you describe as cohesive teams?

Some of them were brilliant – and we couldn’t wait to get to work each day to experience the energy and sense of accomplishment that came from the work being done in concert with our colleagues.

Some teams, though…not so much.

Why Cohesive?

Cohesive teams are essential for productivity, collaboration, and overall success—however, “success” is defined.

So, what exactly is a cohesive team? You will notice it quickly by how it operates with synergy, relies on collaboration, and has a credible shared sense of purpose.

Building such a team requires careful planning, effective communication from management, and management’s ability to foster a positive work environment.  A cohesive team can overcome challenges, drive innovation, and achieve long-term success. 

So, what can we do to ensure that the team we are in (and likely supervise or perhaps lead) will thrive and make themselves and the work they do better?

Cohesive Teams and Leadership

As with most topics we discuss in Living Leadership, the team will rise to the level of leadership that supports them.

Strange as it may seem, most of life, yours and mine, mirror our internal state of being. If your leadership skills are tired, overworked, bored, or maybe stale, you may feel tired or overworked at your job or bored with the status quo. When you are energized by a good holiday away, the book you just finished reading, or a conference you were asked to attend – your leadership level will rise respectively.

Being a leader is not a paid position. Leadership is an art that some paid people practice. The beauty of leadership is that if you cultivate the practice, you will be leading, paid or not! People follow the people they admire.

So before we talk about the teams you need to build and the kind of people to look for and cultivate who will add value to your team – let’s reiterate the most crucial element to the team – the quality of leadership within the group. And be assured – if you are not leading the team you were assigned to lead – someone is!

So let’s begin our new summer series with a few resources to refresh your memory on the most important first step – growing yourself.

Next week we begin studying tips on building cohesiveness in your team.

Resources for Being a Team Leader:

The Key Elements of A Great Leader

How Leadership Training Is Key To Your Success

Why Stories Matter to Your Leadership Success

Your Respect Score and How It Can Effect Your Leadership Efforts

Leaders Crafting a Healthy Work Culture

How Leaders Practice Kindness At Work

Make a Plan for Continuous Development