The Daily Read Unlocks the Gateway to Knowledge and the Imagination

I love books: and anyone who truly knows me will tell you the same thing.

The origin of why I love books is the story of the high school bully who made my life – “uncomfortable!”. There was one safe place he never hung out – the library. When I realized I felt safe there, I made it a point of being inside as often and for as long as possible – using it like an air raid shelter. Coincidentally, while in the library, I fell in love with those things on the shelves!

My favorite book was (and is) the classic Wind in the Willows, written by Kenneth Graeme.

Since those days, and especially now in my consulting work, I have understood the importance of reading. I want to share this gift with everyone I know. Books can change your life!

Do You Read?

When I ask for a show of hands in any of our workshops about how many people in the room would consider themselves readers, I see, on average, a handful of hands in the air. Through this post, I hope to encourage more waving hands!

In today’s fast-paced digital age, where information is readily available at our fingertips, the power of reading (books in particular) remains unparalleled. 

Books serve as timeless treasures (Wind in the Willows was first published in 1908), providing us with knowledge, inspiration, and a gateway to boundless imagination. 

Give me your attention for the next 3 minutes, and I will share with you the transformative power of reading books. I will support it with compelling references and examples designed to remind you of the incredible benefits of this cherished activity.

Reading books is an extraordinary means of expanding our knowledge horizons

Books cover many subjects, from history and science to philosophy and literature. 

They allow us to explore new ideas, deepen our understanding of complex concepts, and gain insights into different cultures and perspectives. 

A study conducted by Cunningham and Stanovich (2001) suggests regular reading enhances vocabulary, language comprehension, and critical thinking skills, thereby sharpening our intellectual acumen. You know this to be true if you raise your hands in our workshops.

By engaging with well-researched books, we expose ourselves to diverse perspectives, enabling personal growth and the development of a well-rounded worldview.

Books possess an enchanting quality that ignites our imagination and takes us to magical worlds (or, in Graeme’s book, to the woods and the riverbank). 

Through vivid descriptions and compelling narratives, authors paint images in our minds that allow us to step into the characters’ shoes, experiencing their joys, sorrows, and triumphs. 

Jack Griffin Novels

If you regularly read this blog, you will know that this is what I am trying to get better at when writing my Jack Griffin novels. 

In my daily read, compounded over decades, I have a passion not only for imaginal journeys – I want to take my readers there too!

Reading stimulates our creativity and nurtures our ability to visualize, enabling us to create mental landscapes and vivid scenarios. Sadoski and Paivio (2013) note reading fiction stimulates the imagination by engaging the brain’s sensory and emotional centers.

The power of books to transport us to far-off lands and immerse us in unique experiences cannot be understated. They have a profound impact on our emotional well-being and empathy. They offer solace during challenging times, providing comfort, encouragement, and guidance. Surely this can only be a good thing for us to experience.

Reading literary fiction enhances social perception by encouraging readers to put themselves in the shoes of complex characters. By immersing ourselves in a story, we develop a deeper understanding of the human condition, fostering compassion and empathy towards others. 

Books offer a safe space for self-reflection and personal growth, empowering us to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and understanding.

The Daily Getaway

You probably already know this but one of the superpowers of books lies in their ability to provide an escape from the stresses of daily life. 

As we immerse ourselves in a daily read, we are transported. Our minds detach from reality temporarily. This escape provides a much-needed respite from stress, promoting relaxation and mental rejuvenation. 

Whether it’s an exciting adventure, a heartwarming romance, a mystery (aka Jack Griffin), or a thought-provoking non-fiction book, reading allows us to recharge and unwind.

In a world saturated with digital distractions, let us not forget the magic that lies within the pages of a well-crafted book. 

Turn Off the Screen

So, let us turn off our screens, pick up a book, and embark on a journey of enlightenment, imagination, and personal growth.

My local Lynn Valley, North Vancouver library has several brilliant quotes stenciled on its windows.

My favorite is from Groucho Marx: “I find television very educating. Whenever someone turns on the set, I read a book in the other room.”

In 2013, the Literacy Guild of the United Kingdom began a brilliant program promoting reading books by painting the covers of well-known books onto benches and placing them around various cities. Money was eventually raised for national literacy programs when the benches were sold.

the daily read

The bench featuring my favorite book ended up in London.


What’s your favorite book?