Infectious Leaders Bring Out the Best in Others

Today’s conversation is about infectious leaders, and I’ll admit, I can’t take credit for it. Our topic comes from my new favorite book, Unreasonable Hospitality, by Will Guidara.

In one of the chapters, the author discusses the philosophy of ‘enlightened hospitality,’ a phrase coined by Danny Meyer, his restaurateur mentor.

The cornerstone of this idea was to hire great people, treat them well, and invest deeply in their personal and professional growth. Then, those happy people would care for the customers — as they did in Danny’s restaurants.

The focus was on the staff, and the byproduct was a great customer experience!

Restaurant staff rewarded Danny’s customers with experiences that were second to none.

Danny showed up to work with an infectious spirit, transmitting that energy to everyone else.

You have likely felt this before with the best leaders you’ve worked for.

When they walked into the room, everyone straightened up and smiled.

Leadership is a Mirror

How you show up as a leader reflects in your team’s energy, focus, and enthusiasm. Too many leaders overlook this fact. They assume their title alone inspires commitment, creativity, or effort. But it doesn’t.

Your team is watching you closely. Every day. Every meeting. Every decision.

If you show up as checked out, unenthusiastic, and distracted, expect your team to be disengaged, too.

But if you show up energized, they’ll feed off that energy.

Enthusiasm is Contagious

What if you focused on your team members, just as Danny Meyer focused on the staff in his restaurants?

If you look after your team, they will show up enthusiastically for you, and whatever industry you are in, they will positively impact those they interact with.

Think about the leaders you admire. What sets them apart? Chances are, it’s more than just their knowledge or experience. It’s their presence. It’s how they show up with enthusiasm, especially when times are tough. They don’t just talk about the mission—they live it.

Positive energy draws people to you. They want to be inspired and believe in something bigger than themselves. As a leader – it starts with you.

The Ripple Effect

When you bring positivity, it creates that ripple effect. Your team mirrors the energy you project. High energy leads to high engagement. Low energy? Well, where does that go?

Think of a time you entered a room and felt the mood change. It could be a tense meeting, and you could cut the air with a knife or walk into a room with positive energy and feel the aliveness on your skin!

That’s the power of presence. And as a leader, you have that power every day.

It’s Not About Perfection

Being enthusiastic doesn’t mean being perfect. It’s about showing up authentically. If you’re passionate about what you do, it will be clear. Your team will see right through it if you’re drained and faking it.

Authentic enthusiasm is about leading purposefully, not pretending to be something you’re not.

Some leaders worry that being vulnerable or admitting uncertainty will make them look weak. In reality, your team will appreciate your honesty.

They’ll rally around you when they see you’re human, facing the same challenges but still committed to moving forward.

I don’t want to work for someone who is perfect and never makes mistakes, and I know you don’t either. You want to work for a human —someone fallible, someone vulnerable.

Infectious Leaders Lead By Example

Want your team to show up fully engaged? Then you have to set the standard. Bring the passion, bring the energy, and lead by example.

Ask yourself: How do you show up when the pressure is on? Do you stay calm and focused, or does your stress show? Teams feed off your demeanor, whether you realize it or not.

I was in the audience at a conference in Penticton this past week, listening to Jason Brolund, the amazing fire chief who shared the story of the McDougall Creek Wildfire in the summer of 2023 in the Okanagan in British Columbia.

Among many great leadership lessons was the reminder about the importance of showing up in a way that supports everyone else. That’s what he did, and the impact was profound and contagious.

Help Your Team Tap Into Their Best

I am not talking about being a cheerleader. Infectious leadership leads by moving people to tap into their best selves and bring their talents forward.

Enthusiasm is more than a nice-to-have. It’s a tool for inspiring action. When your team sees your investment, they will match your commitment and put in that extra effort. Your enthusiasm shows them that what they do matters.

And when people feel like their work matters, they work differently.

Make This Decision Every Morning

As a leader, you need to remember that enthusiasm is a decision.

Every morning you make that choice. Will you show up ready to inspire? Or will you show up as a passive observer, expecting the team to lead themselves?

Leadership is more than strategy and tactics. It’s about influence, which is most potent when fueled by genuine enthusiasm.

Your team will always reflect the way that you show up. People around you will follow if you bring excitement, purpose, and energy. If you’re disconnected or unmotivated, they will be too.

It’s all about ‘enlightened hospitality.’