Essential Key To Workplace Civility – Do What I Do

In all human behavior, we like to focus on what others should be doing, and spend our time complaining when they don’t do as we want. And, even though I have repeated this theme most likely a hundred times in one fashion or another in the Living Leadership series, again I feel it bears repeating. Don’t expect behavior from your team of employees unless you model the behavior – first.

Model the Behavior

Without managers and supervisors demonstrating respectful behavior towards each other and staff, your organization will not have credibility when promoting civil behavior. People in managerial and leadership roles will always need to be exhibiting polite, respectful, and considerate behavior. They should lead by example with each and every interaction—regardless if it’s in person, by phone, virtually, or by email.

How does this apply to you? STOP. Take a minute or two and consider your behavior in speech and action over the past week. Think about the serious conversations you have attended as well as the passing moments in the staff break room. How do you treat people every day?  Pay mindful attention and always be ready to improve.

Be Gracious and Nurturing

Show your colleagues they are appreciated and valued. If you have faith in what they do, make sure they know this. (You may be required to dig a little deeper for some than others, but it is worth the effort!) Do your part to help create an environment that nurtures individual insight, cooperative brainstorming, and creativity. The end result is a confident workplace; when we are motivated and feel we are contributing to a company’s bottom line and success, we also believe we are an essential part of the team.