Civility at Work is Non-Negotiable

Zero Tolerance Means ZERO Tolerance – (or it means not much of anything)

Maintain the integrity of your policy by making sure people take action when they feel they have been treated with a lack of civility. Zero tolerance means zero tolerance. Once the workforce is aware of what type of behavior will not be tolerated, you have won half the battle. Consequences for inappropriate behavior need to be explicitly outlined and enforced. You want to allow for constructive problem-solving in an effective and timely fashion.


Most people will believe that their circumstance warranted some behavior that may seem unacceptable – but given the situation, “surely you understand” or “I just did (said) what anyone would do.” As the leader, you will need to handle situations like this – and a clearly stated written policy provides the clarity and actions required.

It’s Not Only What You Say – But How You Say It

You want to encourage employees to consider the impact of their words and actions on others before they act. Too often, communication in the form of emails or text messages is sent out without the employee really considering the impact of what will happen once the message arrives and is read—how it lands. 

Taking a few seconds to consider the impact of our words can help prevent a situation from escalating.

Do you know what triggers you? Hopefully, you do. But do you know what triggers others? Chances are you do not. Understand that we are all susceptible to weak moments—particularly when we feel defensive and hurt during feedback—even during moments of jest and levity. Remember that we don’t always get a second chance to “unsay” something.

civility zero tolerance